Can you buy me elite to sponsor i offer 10 mil do you agree Ign monkey_knight123
The worst thing is that miniguns are trash now
If you need 1-2 Mil for 1 dollar nobody have enough money for the deal you need 50-100 Mil for elite to sponsor
Idk why the miniguns get a nerf the most powerfull things in gtm are jps and Wings why you nerf the miniguns than like the katana do also i munch...
Is my idea good?
How can you kill now a jper miniguns are so bad
Im looking for a person that Will buy me sponsor (USD50) i offer 10 mil
How can you have so many votes I vote everyday
Ign : monkey_knight123
Nice update but why is NOBODY answer my ticket it's form the 6 the december
pls help me i want my 1mil back
pls pistanmarc help me or other staff members
ban flameman3037 pls
pls help me
can you give my 1mil back and ban flameman3037
flameman3037 is donor deals scamming