Hello MrAimoJr, I Know what happend and i think you already opend a Ticket about it. I hope they could help you about it. If you still need help...
Hello xXLeqit_NoelXx, I havent looked into the Forum a while now so i see your Support request now. Did you still have the Problem or did you...
Hello TomatenToast591 If you want to get unbanned create a Unban appeal here: https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open Department:...
Hello cb_Jorge What Mod do you search? Kind regards, TML_Wurstzipfel1
Hello Rippi1, I dont understand the thing here but if you want i can give you your 100k back :D kind regards, TML_Wurstzipfel1
ly too ^^
Hey sory for the late answer create a Ticket here https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open Depatment: Punishment Appeals :D
Hey create a Ticket here: https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open Department: Other SUpport. Its a bug because of the perk switches you will...
Hey try to use a Differnet Launcher aswell like Opera or Microsoft edge or something ^^
Hello sorry for the late answer the GTM2 server just released today. just join on the Server and click on the compas and click on GTm2 :D
Hey gorg just wait until the STaff member replies on your Ticket :D
GTM is nice :P
You cant buy a Rank anymore please create a Unban appeal here: https://grandtheftmc.net/support-tickets/open Department: Punishment Appeals