I just want a 30 chest beaver at Military Base!
I agree
I will give Luat my entire 6 dub head collection+25m,1 clausinator,and 2 of every christmas set for an IluvU Crown
I’ll give 37.5M GTM1 for a 25 dollar store gift card
Thanks yeah I only play Minesantos
I bought Black Market cheat code through the elf at spawn for a Little Present Elf Emerald And Reindeer Saddle and it worked instantly.But an hour...
Yes it was I dont know what you're trying but I got the Giftcard 5 days ago
$25 Dollar Giftcard for 90M Ingame I agree to these terms
Oh WAIT YOU're NOT OWNER U FAT necked big lipped weirdo thats why your ankles are the size of pineapples u fatty.Not to mention your minecraft...
Oh wait he isnt a fucking manager fucking dog water admin fuck out my face u stinky ass fucking bear thats why ur momma dead dead as hell and ur...
My custom house was force sold because I was BaNNED for 2 months but when I came back I don't have any of my permits it is now owned by...
I am doing a donar deal with Emmenz where i give him 6M and he buys my friend hzk VIP.
I'm giving BaddestFighter 25M for a elite--sponsor upgrade
broke boi had no $ on his paypal was payed back
I AM GIVING PrizmSpitz 27M for an upgrade from elite to sponsor!