@Diz @pistanmarc @owner
Ok thx
when i get me money and items back?
no i no hava
[IMG] here
he hava 2 player shredible and AwesomeAksh
he say pay me and give me the items and i pay him and give all and he say i buy and he exit the server[IMG]...
he buy me elite rank and i pay him 6.5m and 4katana
he not want the deal
KremSanti_ Buy me upgrade to premium and 100 crowbars and i pay him 15m SkippyYT is me name
donor deal with xCLiXx he buy me Vip 10$ and i pay him 2.18m and katana SkippyYT
and wait i need do
hi how i do it
i its me owner off the acc _ItzWolfBoy_ me brother play with me computer and scamm this guy for happy me he 7 year old and i no do it if we can...