Me DepressoDoggo will give him a 25 dollr giftcard Doric will give me 23000000 ingame money! Doric please Write ''I accept as a reaction''
im giving a 10 dollar giftcars for 11m on gtm bolttraing please write ''i agree''
I am buying him a 50 usd gift card for 55m from boltttrain bolttrain plz write''
I am buying him a 10 usd gift card for 10.5m LilNinja__ Please write "I agree"
My friend really wants sponsor so i want to go all in of my uitems on gtm. A dub of jps 15 katanas A dub of homing launchers 1 mil A dub of tita...
I bought 100 crowbars but still didnt get them right now it already took an hour but idk when you guys see it
his offer is 4 katanas 5 jps 10mil 5x10 damage chainsaws 1 golden minigun 24 samuris 22 booty shorts 12 black ops boots 15 dildos 5 flamehrowers...
I am doing a donor deal i pay 20$ !