For awhile I've been considering aspects about GTM and what could be improved on it and what it is now. So I've got a question for you all, when...
So this section of the forums is not looking so well so I thought we got to bring it back somehow. Stemming my inspiration from Kwon’s...
So with the debate over swearing, slurs, sexual comments etc. I've been happy for this to happen. I took up the movement to change the rules and...
I give Iexpo 27.5 mil for a $25 gift card :) type I agree if u agree
So I’m trying to come up with a new suggestion and come across on this. The unofficial rules of ground on GTM. Note that this is my book, (my...
So I was thinking, godfather is SUPER expensive but is it really worth the money? First I want to look at miniguns, while they are mostly a...
I want to apologize for all those harmed by my actions. Some you newer players might not remember me, but older ones will. I want to make peace...
This perk/cheatcode will allow the killer of someone to get all that persons money and pick up all/a portion of their loot. For longer distance...
I, xFlamingPhoenix, will give Sniperoe 15 million dollars on GTM1 in exchange for a $25 dollar gift card to the GTM store.
So likely all of you have had a proud feeling of taking someone out that had plenty of loot, but them someone came in at a time when you were low...
Hapoy April Fools day everyone! Does anyone know if the staff team is going to role out another prank? Remember last year where the team said you...
So a lot happened during my 2 months as a GTM staff member. I just want to say I'm sorry. Not just to certain people (while they're some) I want...
Just curious what's everyones favorite Heloween Costumes (mines a Canadian) and if you don't celebrate Heloween screw u <3.
I give BigMario06 10 mil on gtm1 for $50 gift card
Tar gives me 125 katanas on GTM1 for VIP---->Premium say I agree down below if u agree
I _Flaming_Phoenix buy Tar VIP-Premium In return they give me 125 katanas on gtm1 (Yeah a fuck lotto katanas) say I agree down below if you...
I give DaRealSkin 8 mil on GTM-1 in exchange for two $10 gift cards. Say I agree if you agree to the terms and that you agree that you are VIP (perm)
So someone asked me how do you use visa gift card at checkout? So I say “I don’t know let me check” So I ask in /help but no staff are on. Since...
So anyone ever had that day when everything is going well? Then suddenly it isn’t and everything goes wrong
I give whyyoumadebro 21 mil on gtm-1 and they buy ME $250 giftcard