i will pay 300k each for each 1$ on the store so 25$ would be 7.5mill (on gtm1) message me on discord or ingame discord: Fearzz#7081
he buys me 250 crowbars ill give him 4.5mill on gtm1 type i agree if u agree i agree
ill pay him 7.5mill on gtm1 he buys me 500 crowbars tpye i agree if u agree i agree
im paying him 7.5mill on gtm1 if he buys me 500 crowbars type i agree if u agree i agree
i will give him 3mill on gtm1 for 250 crowbars type i agree if u agree i agree
i will pay him 6mill on gtm1 and he will buy me 250 crowbars type i agree if u agree i agree
ill pay him 2mill on gtm1 and he will buy me 100 crowbars type i agree if u agree to the deal i agree
ill pay him 5mill and 2 katana's on gtm1 and he will buy me 500 crowbars type i agree if u agree i agree
he buys me a 50$ giftcard for 18mill on gtm1 type i agree if you agree i agree
it would be fun if you can 1v1 or team vs team and then let them wagger stuff or money you can choose the items you want to use yourself but they...
he will buy me a 50$ giftcard for 15mill ingame money on gtm1 say i agree if you agree with this deal i agree
he will buy me a 20$ giftcard for 4mill ingame money on gtm1 say i agree if you agree with this deal i agree
by typing i agree you agree to the deal i will give him 12mill and 20 katana's on gtm1 and he will buy me a rankupgrade from elite to sponsor
he will buy me a rankupgrade from elite to sponsor for 7mill on server 1 by typing i agree we agree to the deal i will pay him as soon as i see...
it would be nice to have a cheatcode that you can instand change from jobs make it like 10$ or something because people like myself like being a...