Hey team, I just saw that someone made a ticket about getting back the money they spend on the cheatcode while those were still in the game. I...
I, tim, pay Luat 15 mil on gtm1 for a 10$ giftcard. He will pm me the code on discord. I agree
Hey, Yesterday I joined the support waitroom and turkey moved me, you joined later on and i explained there was some kinna flaw into the system. I...
I, TopTim11 pay itz_tj13 70 mil for a 50$ Gifdcard. The deal with be on gtm1.
I am giving ElMemeo 30mil on gtm1 for 10 permits on gtm1 Do you agree?
im doing a irl deal with poeple on gtm2, ill give them: 10 katanas + 15 jps + 400k money for the vip rank. Can someone say in the comments of this...