Me TonightLess buy a 40dollar gc from NiceTryLFan69 for 100m
I buy a house with number 652 from mrSnowfade for 76m he sell it to me RN and i pay him his money till Wednesday evenin I AGREE
me ToN1ghtL3ss give 31raqe a 10dollar gc for 13m i agree
me noah give bloods 1 browning and 1 row nets and 38m for an 25dollar gc
I give him an 25dollar Gc and he gives me 58m on gtm4
i send him 2 10dollar gcs over dc and he give me 50mil on gtm4
i give him 20 800chips 29 bloodybones 17 candys 3 machine pistols 1 christmas set and he gives me a 20dollar gc on my email
Bloods give me an 10dollar gc on my email and i give him 18.3m on gtm4
me shykira give k_stein an 25dollar gc on his email and he give me 54m and 27jps on gtm4
Me ToN1ghtL3ss give K_stein a 25 Dollar Gtm giftcard For 61m on gtm4
i give him 45m For a 25Dollar gc my name is ToN1ghtL3ss
I give a 10 dollar gift card and Garfield give 27 katanas+54jetpacks+10mil on gtm4