OK i know im supposed to make a support ticket (which im doing after this) but i just want everyone to know i was banned... (innocent) im accused...
Ever since net launchers were fixed winging hasnt been the same. Theres nothing that im aware of that can combat a net launcher while winging...
I will give you 16 mil on gtm 1 in exchange for sponser and 1000 crowbars. Agree in reply
700k, 128 nets, half dub of kwons, and i buy u sneaky. agree in reply
So yesterday everyone was talking about how gangs weere fixed apart from a few bugs. I asked skylicmc if one of the bugs was that it would...
I buy you sneaky cheatcode for 2mil, 5 jps, and 2 katanas on gtm 1. Agree in reply.
OK so i will buy you sneaky cheatcode in exchange for 32 miniguns, 4 katanas, 10 homing launchers, one candy bag, and 650k. wood agree to this is...
Ok here are terms. I buy you Sneaky cheatcode and you give me 1.8mil and 1 katana on gtm1. Say u agree to this in reply.
Xnap reply saying that you agree to these terms: I will buy you large christmas parcel for 500k dollars and 1 double chest of wingsuits and 64...
Ok so triple u must agree to this. i buy u vip u give me my 58 minis, jps, heads and the other things u stole.
Ok so it was only a ten minute mute but i was completely innocent. I was telling people to come to my drop party in my prem house. I did this by...
I was wondering how to like have it say "elite" and stuff on the forums and stuff under my name and how to make it not say "hobo". Any help...