I don’t really know where to post this so I’m going to post it here. Since the winners of one of the many giveaways from Twitter had been...
So since my suggestion got ignored over on Discord, I am going to re-post it here! SUGGESTION: New Titles/Tags for Trial-Ranked players. What is...
So to all US people, what are your plans now that net neutrality is a thing of the past? Here in EU we chillin cause we got no problems. Just...
When are the so awaited Vote Top rewards going to be given? Just asking
This feature would allow you to enable or disable chat notifications (this includes MSG’s and having your ingame name mentioned in chat) It would...
We came to the agreement of 1mil (from me) and he will buy me rank upgrade (premium>elite) -IGN is Gspr (mine) xMartizLTx (his)