I seaux agree to give 1sey 50$ giftcard for 110m
i agree to give virginslayer69 15m in exchange for uwu tag
28m for 10$
i pay Poung420 50m and he has time to pay me 55m back in 30minutes
I pay Poung420 100m and he has 10minutes to pay me 100m back
I _Zundel agree to give mrsnowfade 176m for his 32 wishing coins
I _Zundel agree to give IchJitterHard my 125 Gold house for his 120m
I _Zundel agree to give _empty_wallet 200m, he has to give me the 200m in 5min back
I _Zundel agree to give AngelOfPing my 275Gold House for his 200m
I Zvndel agree to buy a 5$ gc from IchJitterHard
I Zvndel agree to buy a 10$ gc for 19mil from: xP_ag