I buy him sponsor > supreme (75$) In return he gives me 75mil 4 dubs katanas 27 jetpacks 2 dubs dildos on gtm1 i agree to this deal - IcedOutPenguin
sure bro we both Agreed to a redo and u lost and scammed
Player scammed (got it on record)
I won Ggs, Hes buying the giftcard
He has lower i got higher winner gets 100$ giftcard from the other one (Mod in the call AntiPolicy) i agree -IcedOutPenguin
I give him My 5 houses next to eatchother @ Muchtrees in return he buys me a 100$ giftcard i agree - icedoutpenguin
I give him a 45$ giftcard in return i get 67.5m on gtm1 i agree
I give him my city house with air accses 70 permits ID : 257 in return he buys me a 80$ store giftcard on GTM1 i agree to this deal - IcedOutPenguin
he is going to buy me a 50$ giftcard in return i give him my 15 permit at Boombeach ID 553 ksawery207 will own the house I agree - IcedOutPenguin
i buy him 15 permits on gtm4 in return 65mil on gtm4 i agree
I give him a 60$ giftcard in return he gives me 95mil i agree (on gtm1)
i give him 10$ gc in return 17.5m o ngtm1
how to get Scammed 2021
I agree
He will give me 25% Of the auction for the ares hall On GTM4 (Grey hall) And In return i ToToPlays will add him and his gang/mates to the house
You won't get refunded there was a Reset and Gtm has changed alot that is on the old Gtm Server Legacy
i buy him Him supreme upgrade in return 205mil i agree
i give him 73mil for a $25 giftcard and a $10 giftcard ON GTM1 he will buy the giftcards on the name of SystemVII
i give him 100mil On GTM1 in return he buys me a 50$ giftcard on my email and on the name of SystemVII i agree to the deal - totoplays