No, as long as you’ve stated what your trading and what you are each receiving. The post looks good, good luck trading. Remember to get extra...
Awesome! Hope the deal went smoothly.
Looks wonderful! Hope the deal went well!
Please do not necropost, as it is not appreciated on the forums. If a post’s last response is over two weeks old, do not comment or respond, or...
Adding to what 11kobeer said, wait atleast 3 days for your support ticket to be viewed. A staff member will look at it and give you a response,...
Nice Clickbait! Glad you keep making videos on GTM, love to see them. Good luck growing you channel, and maybe getting GTM’s YT rank, if you can...
You are supposed to make the forums post before the IRL deal is completed. Due to this not being done, the player simply scammed you in game and...
There is plenty of advice above on how to get a texture pack for GTM. Nonetheless this thread should not have been replied to due to it being over...
Both players must agree to the donor deal for it to be valid. Hence, Pugy69 should have responded with something along the lines of “Yes, I agree...
Yes, that’s correct. Forums post to prevent scamming are only for IRL deals. If you try make one for an in game deal and get scammed, that’s on...
Awesome! Hope the deal went smoothly!
Looks awesome! Hope the deal went well!
Congratulations on Admin! Well deserved and I can’t wait to see what you do!
Congratz on Build Team manager as well! Your literally amazing glory, love ya.
You can join the server discord with this link:
Your the bestest!
Have you tried to restart Minecraft or your PC?
Make a “Purchase” appeal and put N/A for the buycraft transaction ID. Make sure to include the house ID of the forcesold house and any other...