Its private, players cannot visit it.
Make sure you have all your valuables in your inventory or backpack, make sure you have sold all your houses, cars and extra posessions. Make...
Even better
If somebody is fly and speed hacking, fly close to the ground and around lots of buildings and structures. They often dont have nofall on ;)
A hacker does not abuse a glitch in minecraft, they actually use one of the great things about minecraft to give themselves unfair advantages. A...
Wingsuit - 120 tokens Titanium set with pants and boots - 25 tokens Heavy sniper -25 tokens Kwons and samaris -100 tokens Special carbine...
Thats a FAT RIP
First off flo is one of the longest running staff members here on gtm, i think he knows how to treat players by now. Second why should we believe...
Please dont necro post.
I dont think thats possible unless gtm5 had an extra plugin that glitched it, either way it happened and i never knew about it.
This is probably the most interesting gtm backstory ive ever heard and probably has the most veriety, i started playing gtm right before the boom...
A link to a support ticket can be found in my signature.
Just wondering, why were four of my threads deleted? Also why was my hacker catching thread merged onto the vice tutorial thread?
Howso? Some would say that gtm would no longer exist without this boom, even if those players no longer play.
I just dont want to deal with you anymore, whatever that requires.
Just dont mess with me again.
I dont feel the need to apolagise for anything either, yet ive done it twice. Maby you should learn some humility.
I disagree, i think im defending myself. Now for the second time ill offer you my sincere apology and i hope you accept and do the same. Then we...
Why wouldn't i tag you, your worse then xoxo. Ive put up with your pointles bitching and endless dislikes for way to long. And this is where it...
Im tired of your BS and everything that comes with it.