I have a similar problem.
Honestly i have no interest until the updates start getting good
I think this is a scam, in both chests of wings there are 13 wingsuits with no durability bar... coincidence?
Ive been so close to quitting GTM for almost 2 weeks and i honestly dont know what to do now, thanks for the wonderful updates GTM, we REALLLY...
Eh, i wonder how many people would use this... i dont see ANYBODY doing donor deals for them.
I completely agree with all the mods, i still like this idea though.
So 1 experience can be traded for $10 ingame. I like this, with some revising i think this would be really cool. On the other hand i dont think...
Im going to be honest, i think this is a terrible idea. A complete eco reset is by far the worst idea ive ever heard, but this has to come right...
Believe me, we know.
That's not the point, he's saying he was trying to clear hin inventory... i was not there so i didn't see it happen but i do believe megadog1212
There problem, not mine.
Just be patient, if you see an admin ingame explain your situation to them.
The staff team has known about these balancing issues for well over a month, were waiting on the devs which may take until the end of summer.
I know that the community has spoken but i fear that merging all the current servers would create an environment to hostile for the ppl who play...
Yes, honestly a large portion of players on all servers are german. It would be better for them if there was only 1 server.
I think that some servers will be combined soon for more action. I have heard that there may only be 2 servers, 1 english and 1 German, i think...
Gg on helper!!!
Sounds legit, house doors are very sketchy and often have a lot of problems. GL although im pretty sure you will be refunded. You should create...
In the bottom of that page it says "this page is NOT proof of purchas" Make a purchase ticket and provide staff the transaction ID, only then can...
@Chirag can help us.