I think there should be some tags that are always on the buycraft.
Honestly tags are always great, but not these. I feel like these tags are extremely negative and might scare away some of the newer players. Gtm...
This kind of idea has been proposed before. I was expecting to get some slaves... oh well. Necroposting?
Very unlikely as the server needs more people to buy ranks in order to expand, however you can give away your account info or PresidentX might...
He had problems with drinking, which makes me wonder about the fact that he died on 420.
I dont think you can necropost on announcemants, but this is necroposting.
Uf ur really good, manager
Gtm forrums is a place for support, not toxicity.
There are so many things wrong with these posts.
Thats actually a really good song, im glad to see that he did what he loved while he could.
What country is he from? If he's not from america its likely that 90% of the people who see this wont know him.
2 managers have already said its not nessecary so they arent going to do it. We are all aware that builders work very hard to keep this server up...
Haha yes. I was just showing you an example of how ive seen it done before. And yes im awhare that everybody on the server would have to download it.
It... you mean he
We already have a place for this, its called "Community Support" Thank you for being thoughtful Please lock.
100% agree, although muscle isn't even acceptionally good.
Yay... less lag
LMAO, ApocalypsePVP and massacre are the only teams that have any chance at all.