I think that this would be a good idea, but at the same time i could see this being dificult and kind of expensive to impliment.
1M per dollar is insane, although it could go up to 250K per dollar.
He just laid down and died
Pls dont hate on flofin, from what we see he did exactly what he should have done. P.S. in the first week of being on the server i was called a...
Thats what he thinks, you cant do anything about it so you just have to learn to live with it.
Ok, with no proof nobody can actually do anything about it. Because i am not flofins senior (im not staff at all) i cant tell you what would...
Flofin acted exactle as he should, he told everybody that it was allowed and was unbiased. Nowhere is these messages did flofin laugh Just...
As i said, we may not like it but we cant stop them from saying it. Try doing /ignore (player) ive never tried it but i think thats the command...
Lets get this streight, people tend to say things they dont mean when they are mad I agree that these type of statements are unacceptable in my...
xD i think it was his shitty KA acting up again He accidentally turned reach down to 1 block
0:54 - 0:59 wtf is he doing?
Aparently not everybody, about 75% of us have friends that quit after a month.
I dont think i understand, if you have questions or concerns you can make a support ticket. If you have suggestions you can create a thread under...
But its not, the only thing we know to be infinate is the number line and its not proven yet, but the universe
Yeah, to simply delete this one and use the other would just be a waste of time.
I was joking, i was basicly saying dont run crying to your mother
32 million by 32 million, i think that the highest speed is achievable before speed 1000.
Have fun, JK <3 you skylix
While i think this would be pointless i would like the ability to telaport places by command such as /warp City Center
Sry to be honest, dont forget this is an 18+ server