Well, I traded 1mil from gtm1 to gtm4 with several different people this week, so I don't think so.
If it does, we will raise it from the dead.
probably wasn't quite accurate, anyways xD
So if I magically multiplied my money by 13 you'd buy me the rankupgrade to sponsor? xD EDIT: Seriously though, if you have 50$ for a donor deal,...
deal successful, thanks! :D EDIT: the hell is that ugly ass emoji, never using that again on forums
I'm giving him (CrispyTurtle88) 7 Katanas and $5mil on GTM4 in exchange for the rank upgrade premium -> elite. If you agree to this deal please...
I am looking for a donor deal for the rank upgrade Premium -> Elite I'll be paying 5mil on GTM4, though I can add some Katanas ontop of it if that...
Would you also consider buying me the rank upgrade from Premium to Elite for 5mil+some Katanas on GTM4? x)
To be honest, I think 10k would be quite a good reward for it, considering that you'd first have to find one. It'd be more of a lucky thing than...
So, earlier today I was in cop mode, running around as usual, when I spotted a drug dealer. I walked up to it, wanting to see if it had any drugs...
As they don't seem to be willing to actually do the deal, I'm calling it off. The thread can be deleted.
I, Kousei_Arima, will pay SarahBearer 3.5mil in game cash on GTM4 in exchange for the rank upgrade to Premium (15$). In case of scam, the scammer...
I'd start at around 3mil, as that seems to be a reasonable and common price for 15$, but I have more money available, so we could still negotiate...
I'm Looking for someone to buy me the rank upgrade from VIP to PREMIUM in exchange for in game money on GTM 4. If you're interested please reply...