Aslong as he has proof that he was Irl scammed, Staff can Take Action
Anything that relates to the Shop or Irl Deals is bannable, In game scams are Allowed.
Hey Guys! This is a video about how to get to the old hub. (if this is not allowed, plz delete this thread as you must) [MEDIA]
This mainly goes out to staff, I was wondering whether I could get Some free 50-100 Crowbars, Since im going to be doing a epic Crate Opening...
I Cant use the Gps, It will point to where i last set it! and They're Not at Spawn!!!!
U cant Warp or go into houses?!
You can never tell with Royal...
Royal said perm :O!
Whenever i try to Use my Gps to track a Bounty Player, It Will Point to My Warp Spawnpoint, Or even where I Reset it. Gps is Broken Once Again!
Is it bannable to say 'Hypickel' ? Some guy said I have to Give him op Loot otherwise i get 'Banned' for saying That??
I was wondering if the store Accepts Eftpos Credit Card. Its a git card Btw
So, I Became Hitman mode, and set the Gps to a Person with a Bounty. But it turns out that it was pointing to My Warp Spawnpoint, And The last...
Jack_logic? Me? :O
Omfg! Aren't we ALL Tired of Hackers, God Moders, Abusers etc? Well, 1 Solution. HIRE AUSSIE STAFF! Aussie staff can be on when American staff are...
Giveaway is Closed xD
Winners in 1-2 Days!!! Get your entries in
I wonder who did that >:O!
I am having a Gtm Giveaway! To Enter, click the link below, Comment your ign, And if you want to, Like or sub! (Read Description for more detail)...
Gtm has been down for 4+ Hours Everyday now. This just ruins the fun for other people, since we cannot play. I want to ask, Why is it down for so...