A bit sad, I would have participated 200% if it was a fantasy modpack (Harmony hollow type modpack)
Yea that would be cool, exclude katanas tho.
Tell how to fix it or mods might ban you.
Nice giveaway micatchu! Hope a lot of people participate!
No problemmsss
Nah you have to buy them with /tokenshop or in the shop. You could just vote to get tokens but it would take ages, just buy permits on the store,...
NAh don't sell, keep it till you get permits to buy a premium house.
@Magister Sadly they are still broken ...:(
If this isnt a premium house, multiple people can live in it. Chests are personal tho
Could he acces your chests? Was it a regular house or a premium house?
Weirrdddd, Why cry tho?
Would be cool. Maybe have a RAINBOW Texture pack???
Where can I buy this "shit bitch, you is fine" bear?
Yep noticed it, Thx mix.
Why is the guy doing that??? The Chinese he uses isn't even correct, looks like he's just google translating random pages.
Good Job on that ITraitor! Red texture pack is the best.
Please Senpai do something about the Chinese guy
1.Provide proof. 2.Open Inv isn't a possible hack. 3.Change your thread title. A bit to agressive 4.Make a support ticket.
Well on ViceMc jetpacks straight up don't work.
Has happened to me on GTM3 @peraldon