Honestly the most you normaly see top rank go for on servers is $200, i think anything higher is too much!!!!!
This could work but i honestly dont want it on gtm, this is very possible to do however if the cannon can 1 hit people than it should shoot...
But he's right, we live on one face of a cube, every face is home to another demention... We just need to find a way around the wormholes sitting...
How about mc-gtm.net Id probabky get 30 day bans from every server accept gtm until I changed it.
This thread is more off topic than me in school. And that's hard to beat.
Actually whitezunder has a YT rank, he speaks spanish but his content on the server is pretty solid.
Noobs could just use throwables, or make a large team. Ive died so many fucking times to noobs and there throwables that i have to kill all of...
What about gtm two's ecocomy is fucked up? The only thing that is different is that we have a player that has more money than the rest of the...
Actually very true, mix is a smart man!
Is fixing jitter clicking one of the options?
I'l do anything to prevent that!
What does /spank even do?
Agreed, but you have already started on gtm 1 so i dont think it would be smart to switch. My main server it gtm 2 and fron my experiences of...
I think everything about the minigun is great, i just wish that pvp was less about who can click faster. That should stay on servers with...
xD i was joking, i re-rated you but it's better than a like.
I found myself laughing several times during the vid, and your not half bad at pvp! Keep it up Do you plan on playing on gtm for a long time?
I'll try my best to watch
Please dont double message, just use the edit function at the bottom of the post.
A better choice of words would be "I'm aware" Or "fuck me"