Soo... clearly we cant find a balance for the minigun that makes everybody happy. What if we created a second, smaller map that godfathers and...
I certainly dont want prices doubled! But i completely understand you mix, you may not know it but i do The fact is that the higher ranked...
Make a purchase ticket.
I noticed this as well, i think it's just a resource pack glitch that will be fixed soon.
In the custom house info thread it ses "build for you" it also ses that it will cost 10 permits because it is "custom" It also ses you need to...
But the fees are so fucking cheap, unless you using like attack mav, jet, rhino, or akuma.
Yeah that's his main
When i tested with akarush i flew at him in a streight line, then i flew back in forth in front of him about 20 blocks away, he never got me below...
xMini might help you
Finally got a kill with the shittygun... i mean minigun.
Try to get 20 knife kills Kill 3 people with a rake Sniper trolling Kill 10 people using only throwables Give me all your stuff Get into...
I dont understand this at all, people hardly go bounty hunting anyways.
I never met a godfather who said it was to OP But we need to stop, staff have already said they know theres a problem and there going to fix it....
But this is unfair to the people who worked hard or donated a lot of money to the server, besides we have the same problem, sometimes somebody...
But it should not be easy for somebody with 1 hr of playtime to be able to kill somebody with over 10 days like me, or somebody with almost 30...
If you want the server to me more realistic then make the shotgun spread less and shoot further.
Like it was?
By "good" you mean back to normal right.
Just so you can see it needs to be buffed i ran some tests. 20-43 blocks away full armor: whole clip did not kill him. Point blank with riot...
It needs iether damage or accuracy, it needs to make up its fucking mind