If you hit a winger with a katana once they get taken down to just a couple hearts, however i do think that all rifles need a damage nerf.
K, i try not to but i had to in order to get all my points across
Actually no, ever heard of taking your jp off in midair netting then putting it back on? Guess what, wingers can do this as well.
They have basicly been removed already, nobody uses them anymore.
Might be a good idea.
Actually there are wingsuits IRL, katanas can do more damage then a gun depending on the person attacking, and dildos... well... thats not...
Read the comments, the only people saying well done are staff members, Iwulf who's been playing for a week, and an 8 year old kid.
Decreasing the ammount of bullets in mini's would make the server less realistic.
The worlds not always sunshine and rainbows, you dont always havs to say "great job" "well done" or "amazing" Learn to speak your own opinion
I know you guys are trying to balance pvp, but while your experimenting can you at least revert the mini back to normal. Minigun pvp has...
I get 60 in spawn when theres 10 ppl online and nobody's shooting
I dont think the gun was OP, i think everything else was to weak. We dont even have diamond pants and boots. Most people learned that dieing...
Y dont we see what happens when the mini was the same as a week ago, and just buff other weapons. It's not like godfathers dont die in 2 seconds...
Wow, now mini's are basicly the worst weapon in the game besides a rake. There the only one that got everything nerfed. Slow clap If your...
Post your favorite insperational quote, i have 2 "Change is inevetable, but progress is a choice." -Unknown "I dont want to be the next Mark...
The problem with this is that players leave gangs to do 1v1s
The only thing i use the bounty system for is tracking players to find the jpers
I think theres no fee, there would be no point in taking $200 from a player with 2 mil.
You dont seem to understand, she would join the gang, then whenever she was next to us she would quickly leave and kill us then rejoin. As for...
xD most gtm players are 11-17 with a couple outlyers anyways