I considered including sr. Mods but i decided that thats to many positions in the heirarchy.
Helpers cant ban people, they can only mute and report players to mods. Im going to apply for helper as soon as i get some IRL issues figured out.
Im going to make it simple 1. No 2. It took me about 6 months and $8 3. No 4. No 5. No 6. No 7. Thats why we have staff members 8. No 9. No 10....
Mix gets 10 views a month on namemc
Im always wetting things down
The problem with this is that hackers are humans to, if they dont want to get banned they can just turn on there hacks when there are no staff...
1 down, like 20 to go
Time to get promoted to owner
Just make it now
If you really are the richest person you would give me 20 mil.
Try baking it 3 hours less, it might be a bit more MOIST!!!!!!!
Im preparing my mouth for some quality slurping action already
It kills me to say it but... the minigun was to OP, a small nerf to damage would have been perfectly fine with me but i think the accuracy neded...
I like it with whole milk, but cottage ham soup sounds really good.
Yayayayay i got it!!!!!!!!!
Corn bread is amazing!!!!!
Furst off new spawn looks great, yes it is a little spread out but the builds make up for it. Second i halfway agree with you on the mini, it is...
How about "nope!"
Can we get every -Owner -Dev -Builder -Manager -Admin To comment on this thread? (I dont know builder colors)
An "Obvious" emoji wouldent hurt either