Fantastic! Hope the deal went well!
But, I have proof it is you. Although I will let this go since we are friends and I trust you. Remember, your not perfect tho ;)
I’m his second follower, but I will not confirm this. We’re even 11kobeer, as of now.
That's my friend, pretty good person right? Catches hackers and keeps the community safe.
I needed to prove my commitment to being Gary's friend. (Even though this is truly just SkylixMC, and I have proof)
Hey, Gary. Your my best friend!
Hold up. I remember SkylixMC saying that Gary does NOT have a forums account. What would you like to say about this @GARY
Deo, did you know, that you are cool?
Glad to hear it went well! I always like to see deals work out with no scamming involved :)
Glad to see the deal went well!
Hope the deal turned out good!
Looks good! Hope the deal went well!
Yes, I would agree Blue is one of the most trustworthy players on GTM. However, a donor deal is 2-sided, and you can’t always trust both sides.
Well, if they don’t they cannot be helped if an issue occurs with the deal.
All Donor deals must be done over the forums. It doesn’t matter if the person is a scammer or not.
This is a known bug. It is being worked on and will hopefully be fixed as soon as possible, just keep voting and if you have any ideas on why...
I hope the deal went well! Good trading :)
That actually improved it a lot. It is now “Hawt” ;)
I hope the deal worked out smoothly!
Very nice build! It looks awesome to me :D