Somebody really needs to update the wall of staff team on all the servers
If it makes it more comfortable switch your toggle perspective key to R, this is more comfortable for me and ive managed to kill a couple!!! I...
What if after you got a kill, the person who actually got the kill could not pick up JP fuel for 10 seconds... this makes it really easy to pick...
Prob just an alt "jesse" has not responded to any of my posts on my conversation and mix hasent answered any of the questions about the rank
You can actually get banned for threat of chargeback so delete this ^^^
Thank you!!!
U tu!!!
Mix jesse's rank ses intervention team, what does that meas???
Lol, but its so easy to kill a winger.
This is getting off topic Pls lock
Im bad at figuring out stuff as well.
#fuckyourself I mean #luvurself
After some research it does comply with the eula to charge players to play, however if this were real i can say that this would be the worst...
Send me a link to the skin, ill change mine
Just wondering... y would you not just type in public?
Thats what i said
Farewell, why were you banned??? Nothing about you seems fishy, your just really good at pvp.
If this were real i think it would cause the server to be blacklisted because it does not comply with mojangs EULA which basicly ses that all...
If this was real 95% of the playerbase would quit!!!
Nice joke!!!!! I am cureently on my way to the hospital BC of a heart attack!!!