Better than 0K
With the easter event i liked how players recieved crowbars however i think i liked the christmas candy cane event better. I would recomend more...
Please keep in mind that vice is relatively new and that vice is not exactly a factions server. Factions has developed over years of testing,...
You should have taken the money then posted the vid anyways.
Which gtm??? On 2 its one of the most popular buildings although it could use a makover. The triangle sandstone building next to gasstation needs...
1k = no customers
I didnt even see him when he hit you
OMG, its superman!!! I caught a hacker today that i reported, he was pretty passive and even when i hit him with a katana while he was flying he...
I think its so that if something goes wrong with the purchase they can contact you, PresidentX is the best person to explain it to you however any...
Good, ill make something if i have time
Sounds good, cant wait to see it. You should do an X-wing, a ti fighter (htf is that spelled), and the death star.
GG, i noticed at 3014. Dont forget who had the 2500th thread
Ok, so im not getting banned??? xD
I dont know if your not allowed to say websites, however i know your not allowed to say servers and especially server IPs
Love this building, it looks amazing and the narrow staircase provides a very secure place to hide.
Honestly this really funny, its a net launcher.
Thank the lord, i love the gtm 2 map.
Me and henning can work together, ive got useless weapons that used to be good they can use.
Ill try my best to get #3 out of your k9 lips.
xD all my friends have the dell inspiron 15 7000 gaming, it works great and my friend even streams rocket league on it, maby not what im going to...