I guess the musket and pistols are still worse.
The advanced rifle is by far the best RN so i usually cary one and a chainsaw. I also like to carry a sniper just to annoy people.
Sorry for being honest with you. And pls dont double msg
xD but how? Im bad with general tech.
He hasent uploaded in over a week, whenever i start a new world i usually allow cheats... thus i get boared and quit because i dont have to...
He means that its to troublesome to teleport between houses so he wants to be able to add people to certain rooms, that way he only has to have...
For now Science is always evolving and new things are created every day.
But no, the computer only has to remember loaded chunks therefore you would only need infinate memory if you loaded the "infinate world" Even...
Will we ever be able to throw stacked throwables again?
Iwulf_ is litterally the perfect example of why you have to get to the top on your own.
How to you tag somebody? Or is it just a computer feature? I normaly use my phone for forums