It looks like this post ended up not working out, but there’s still an opportunity to learn from it. Make sure to explicitly agree to your deal,...
Make sure to include which GTM(#) the items are coming from. Other than that, the post looks great! Hope the deal went smoothly.
Hey i4m2g00d4u, You will need to pull out your Phone in-game, then go to My Account, and then to Unlocked Tags. This is where your tags can be...
I believe I said a support ticket would help you quicker and better than a normal forums post. You can choose to make a “Other Support” ticket or...
I feel like we should all give Sky a break. He’s been busy, as usual, and this isn’t much longer than other months. Also good luck voting again...
Congratz to all the winners! Keep voting hard, and use those rewards well! Enjoy.
Congratulations Darkrai_. Really can’t wait to see what you do for the team!
Did you try connecting to the /discord in game?
Please make a “Punishments” appeal instead of discussing the issue publicly on the forums,
Please make a support ticket for any possible issue you may have, such as a ban. A punishment appeal here, ,...
If I ever manage to recover from my spree of staying at $0 I would love to take part in some of this. For now, I think I’ll have to sit back and...
Make sure to include which GTM the money will be coming from to ensure that if the deal goes poorly everything can be settled out easier. Other...
Yes, this is most likely a mistake as Custom Houses with inactive owners should not be sold to other players. They were made for one individual,...
I really missed it because my phone broke, that’s very unfortunate.
I Liked, Commented, and Subbed. Good luck to everyone who entered! I enjoyed the video Darkrai_, glad to see the effort put into it.
Gary, how you doing buddy? :D
I respond to this everyday, but does that really make me a scholar?
Please make a “Punishment Appeal” at instead of making or posting on a thread. Make sure to be honest and include...
The link is not working because this post is over three (3) months old and the discord link was probably not set to “Never Expire.” Here is a link...
This is an in game deal and a forums post will not prevent a scam as an IRL deal forums post would. Since in game scamming is allowed, this post...