The best way to get away from a missile is to fly through cranes, bridges, buildings etc. The homing is fine how it is. Its extremely hard to get...
I need crowbars, respond or msg me ingame to talk about a donor deal
Honestly because the minigun in the attack mav is based on the stats of the normal mini... the attack mav is useless now.
I have 1.66 mill on gtm 5, ill give you all of it and one of my kits for 250 crowbars
Will do!!!
Definately overpriced
Thats a quality offer, good luck!
Not all houses have a trashcan... theres no real way to see if a house is custom, nirmally people dont sell custom houses.
Apple is aids for fast computers, they just make really high quality phones.
I'll step it up, i'll give you a burger, a pistol, a pimp crown, and a night stick on any server you want.
These were so easy to find, thx!!!!!
Wow, Iwulf_ still plays...
Well not really... yours could be custom and you might have a trash can, you might also have more entrences.
This is the kind of shit people like me want to fix.
It varies because of house size and how much time was put into it, it also depends on if it was custom or not.
We BOTH want to 1v1 YOU several times and in different locations. And now that we cant jitter and the stats are still retarded the minigun is 95%...
Holy fuck, miniguns are litteral shit now Every time an update comes out these days chat is filled with ppl quitting
Great story, y were you banned?