My main server is gtm 2 I honestly like the simple map, there are only like 30 ish warps to remember and it makes me lag a lot less then on gtm...
So now that minigun pvp doesent exist ive been JPing a lot more recently, im pretty trash but i can hold my own (kind of) One thing that i have...
But all you have to do is click the miuse like 6 times
Just play another server... msg me in game and ill tell u my favs Oh wait...
OMFG what is your deal, i luv u deez but u need to chill out. 60 hours... thats more than a full time job
This is really cool... i really like to see the process behind builds because most builders use stuff such as diamond blocks to lay it out then...
Jesus... get some lives, you realize thats up to 10 hours a day right!?!?!?!?!
Ive been practicing a shit ton recently and my aim has gotten 10x better when i jitter
If you use the cheatbreaker client it has a minimap that doesent show people, it is also nearly impossible to use any hacks with the client.
First off i never said any of these people were "gods" 14000 dpi with 135% is insane, i guess the fov helps tho.
I see, i honestly dont care, i was just watching some factions and this particular server has item filters so you dont have to pick up pots......
Nononon he obviously ment 5 zeros... the logic of some people these days.
Lets me honest though most people on gtm are shit at pvp anyways, im not saying that im good but there are very few "GODS" on gtm.
Aproaching 600 very quickly.
Everybody has different opinions, but i still say JPing is better
Thats exactly what i said to myself
K Not at all, litterally all you have to do is hold a net launcher and when they come close open your inventory then put your jp into your empty...
Its really helpful and i use it no matter what im playing. /near makes vip worth it, its honestly the only reason to get vip If you end up...
Times are negotiable, if you need fuel just get the valuables and circle around then drop again... its not rocket science.