Can you release it now?
Ye, ill be 18 in a few years and i dont plan on quiting GTM anytime soon
Wheres episode 2, 3, 4...???
You should get back on, recent updates have added to the server and balancing is better now.
Well the fact that your playing on a server shows that they clearly know what there doing, we may not agree with it but the ultimate goal of the...
Please dont necropost However sometimes JPers need money so they kill hobos for free heads and shit.
As of this current moment weapons are balanced fine, miniguns could use a tiny buff to accuracy but other than that there perfect. Most of the...
Ye i prob shouldent have said that, but please be patient. Everybody is waiting RN.
Im looking for some deals for some $50 gift cards, my main server is gtm 2 however if you tell me what server you play on and how much you want i...
For problems regarding a purchase you made please file a purchase ticket.
Well this computer is about 10 years old and it's a family computer (even tho im the only person who uses it). So it has thousands of photos on...
Unless the scam involves a glitch.
Not that simple The problem is not so much me standing still, not being able to hit people... it's me dropping and not being able to start flying...
8, im going to try 4 rn xD i use to play at 16
It is still possible however you may recieve the package a few days late.
Please be patient, you will recieve your purchase as soon as senior staff get to your purchase ticket.
I personally dont think this will be a good option, however this sort of thing has been suggested in the past and this is the best version ive...
Wtf it GTM eats???
Did Corruptiion get banned?