The chance of finding one might have been lower back then, but you can find one in a chest if you look for 5 minutes.
Good to see were both addicted. I think hashtec is as well cus he wont stop posting even though he's banned.
Yes please tell!!!
Im asking myself the same question... how do you have an ender dragon???
I look at it at least 3 times a day.
I mean this only happens some... OMG theres an attack mav outside my window.
How much time per day do you spend on forums? I spend about 1-2 1/2 hours every day.
Really... i live in a world where gtm and IRL are the same sometimes.
I knew it was possible but i never new how, thx!!!
This has been a bug for at least a day now, the staff team will fix this as soon as they can.
We can use @&$&%^@, the IP is #&%&#&%*.
True, cant tell you how many times i try to hit f5 mode to look behind me IRL. These days whenever i read i imagine houses and landmarks as...
GL!!! That is an amazing deal on the santa set, and a golden mini for free!!! WTF
Admin+ can help you. Try to use /gmsg (ign of admin) (body) Some Admin+ are JJrocks Snowwy Pistanmarc Presidentx MixLogic Peraldon If i did not...
Are you the leader or a member, that may have something to do with it.
Maby its because were here to talk about gtm and related topics, and were not here for a therapy hotline xD
Hashtec think about it, he ment stream. And yes steam is a program that you can download games from.
It's 75 not 125
Damn son... wish i did donor deals. That santa set alone would get you Elite. If you ever have more than you want... your bb is always accepting...
I agree that guns are pretty much useless and i also agree that it should be possible to buy jetpack fuel. As for machines... the only thing i...