Well you certainly arent making yourself look better in my eyes by laughing at people who are trying to be serious.
You might want to think twice about the tone of this comment.
I think he himself hacked.
Maby try downloading it another way.
No, that time was 3 1/2 months ago.
Whenever you see me on and i have time i can show you, its a pretty simple concept
I could give you 3 mil... oh wait, i gave it all to JJ_American my bb
Yes... but of topic
By a bit you mean however long it takes you to write it out correct!?!??!?!?!?!
Yes, cant rlly use it tho, i can msg u through it (Dont ask y)
I have just a small farm so i love the current particals however i can easily see this becoming an issue... great suggestion.
I think that skylix got his name from a bet, he prob had to lick the sky. (Skylicks???)
If i did this i would take the katanas, JP's, nets, wings, money. I would do supreme for all of it + just a tiny bit.
Lel, 27 mil from looting chests is insane, ur server must be ded
27 mil...
It's possible
I mean mine looks ok...