Makes sense
Remember though that harsh criticism creates the most dedicated and willful athletes in the world!!! I promise you the same will apply to the...
The temporary time out that the server took only lasted about 2 minutes. It was almost like the server itself disconnected from the internet.
About 45 minutes ago the entire server just died, everybody online dropped to 1 internet bar and froze. Any idea what happened?
If you chargeback you will be perminately banned.
Somebody make some combotages, i would... but my computer would die.
Looks great!
Im just going to be the first to say, that doesent make any sense!
I will deffinately DM you if i need to :)
So fucking true!!! Playing vice for an hour and a half checking player count on 2 gets old fast.
Im not hating on the staff team, i just feel like im ignored sometimas.
Do /tokenshop, thats currently the only way to use them.
Thank you
I think you made a mistake, or your just frozen in time 2 months ago.
It ses it in the description of staff members and what there job is "Helper is a trial rank", you should know nassim your a mod.
If you get unbanned do /discord for the link
Well i only ever ask general questions, plus there are so many staff members that i never know all of them and it could take forever to /seen...
I have to agree with everything but the /help part, to often do i do /help and nodody responds until i send another message or 2. (If no staff...