xD IK, but block coding is just lines of code that are premade so that you can click and drag them... i replicated how the decap system could work...
But it would be much less challanging... which at this point getting godfather is all about how much time you put in... not about if you can...
Gtm 2 is where its at. (Even though we consistantly have about 1/5 the players of gtm 1)
Wahrscheinlich nur der Server neu gestartet, es könnte auch sein, dass nur eine Menge Leute gleichzeitig online sind.
The only thing we can do to stop hackers is ban them so NR much we can do there. I assume the reason gtm1 restarts so much is because of the...
I lost about 100 times
You skylix and cord should go to a roleplay summercamp together.
Why did you get banned in the first place?
Honestly this is just P2W vs people like skylix. And no skylix... that's not exactly a compliment.
I think mix would better suit somebody like yourself
Im just saying that there are other gangs you know... "Massacre" is what will come to you all.
I'll join if i get kicked from my current gang. xD
Sky is better than muscle, i can actually beat muscle. SIZm said he is sick so he hasn't been online the past few days
769 messages
I think prizm quit
Can i be a dev? xD I thought about it and if you have the decap system set up a certain way it should honestly take less time. Example This took...
But it would help to disperse new players to other gtm's so that more get a challenge free experience. They would at least know that they have...