Ye it is a glitch but it will be fixed very soon so don't worry.
Im guessing maybe a week to 3 weeks because manually fixing all the doors could take a couple days.
Why would you want to be reset?
Ye have fun and don't forget to vote for the server by doing /vote.
Ye that is true it is very similar to a grenade launcher and if this idea got implemented they might have to change some things.
RoyalSkid truly was the best and will be for a long time.
Have fun with your sponsor MM_12.
I think Vice has the potential to become very popular.
Well then if their is a modern crossbow then put it on GTM and I do agree maybe not stickies for ammo.
I agree as well it scares the living daylights out of me.
I kind of feel bad I was insensitive on the other post because I didn't know it was officially. I am also very sad because RoyalSkid truly did...
OH WAIT IT WAS FORMALLY! I didn't know he officially left. RoyalSkid I am truly thankful for what you have done for this server and all those...
Wait when did he quit an hour or two ago? Did he do it formally? Or did he just announce in chat that he was quitting?
Jonas how do u know the sound of a suppressed gun? That is a little fishy.
I play Forza sometimes and maybe Call of Duty, but usually I play Tetris or Wii sports xD
Wow that is pretty big! That's what she said xD Or he said gender equality here people.
I agree RoyalSkid was an amazing staff/manager and I loved his attitude. I did not know him much but I saw his amazing work. I will build...
If u scroll up to the top their is a button called Support if you hit it it will give you options. Then you hit it create new ticket when you make...
I love the tutorials and as Mix said keep it coming I want to learn more. You got a learnable from me.
Ye I do agree nets should be fixed because when GodModer's get a hold of one you better pray and run. Also I did notice that the rpg does not...