What have I done!!! By making people talk here, I started a roblox craze!!!!
I feel like no matter what I suggest, you'll say it's cool. So here's and idea: Colored Dildos
That is an awesome joke
I dunno, I just hate having too much save files, and once i took the screenshot with shaders and stuff I treat the build as "over"
I deleted the world file, I ussualy finish a project, take a screenshot and then delete the world.
Why that dislike? What don't you like in my application? i'd like to see what's wrong and fix it
yeah that would be cool
/token give (amount) (player) Or physical tokens to trade in /trade that would be nice
I disagree with you. (humor btw)
HenningLenz i'm running out of ego jokes
No one wants it removed, simply because it is not the source of the lag.
You started this! Saying fake stuff and blaming the devs! The devs are working hard on this, And also, If you stopped using insults and be a bit...
I would also like to indicate you are not 34 years old.
I have 57 FPS at the casino. Also, maybe learn how to spell and capitalise your I's.
Also, If you lag its maybe cause you have a shitty computer, I have a good one and don't lag. Also, make sure "Fast Render" is turned on and don't...
Really? rating my post "bad" cause you know you are wrong?
Gaming is cool! you're probably all gamers here! Talk about gaming, make nerd jokes, discuss new games coming out , Create gaming teams and stuff,...
I support your Ego (the living planet) (hope you get the joke or i'll look stupid)
A lot of servers have this "Job" plugin, wich i think should be part of vice, but not the same "job" plugin. Something Special to vice and related...