Oh boy! Thanks peraldon for fixing the lag and stuff! Totally not hurt by the retarded thing!
Even if they copyed, We cant take thel to court or stuff, there is no real proff and their spawn will not change even if PresindentX talks to them
Okay then!
GG Man!
BlackMailling isnt cool, But hacking scumbags deserve Perm ban, No appeal, No rights.
Hackers have no right.
Works Fine For Me.
Here's Da proof![ATTACH]
I'll inform jed.
I think the server is down so I cant test it.
I'll go test it out.
I can claim a vote for you
SP0NG3_B0B Easy.
Will I get invited if I rename my account "SpongeBob"?
Tedeh! MAKE SPOONS A THING!! Craft: Empty-Iron-empty Empty-I nugget-empty Empty-I nugget-Empty Usage Combien spoon and heroin to make heroin...
In fact, Injecting molten plastic into your arm might not be a good idea.
What could be cool is that all terracota design get all the different colors. So you could have Green Arrow (Pls laugh) You could have the red...
MixLogic is there a limit of hoppers in a certain area? I don't wanna Lag the server.
Heroin usage should involve spoons.
Face tatoos are badass!