If this is his first ban it should be temp right? like a week or something?
This is one thing that i completely agree with sky on.
Take as much time as you need, and know that we will be awaiting your return.
Heres another https://imgflip.com/i/290ycq And another https://imgflip.com/i/290z1z
https://imgflip.com/i/290w46 Thought i should add one #14 is the best one yet.
That can make a big differance, i click faster with right click but i use left so that if i ever have to take a test i dont get fucking banned.
Just dont forget the fun times you had on gtm and it will always be a part of you.
Y? Rip
Adios amigo. Maby you could stop by for a visit every once in a while. Hopefully everything IRL gets sorted out quickly. Bye,
RIP minigun Febuary 15, 2018 (Guestimation)
Very true, id say by rough estimation that about 3% of players visit the forums regularly.
Zxyvwstr... i give up
You lost me at "billions"
Just wondering why they were mentioned in the origional post since they are irrelavent now.
Thousands... you peasents. Millions!!!!!!!
I dont think RoyalSkidd, isaac, or samurai have been active for at least a couple months.
You about to drop to about 54 mil when you give me a dub of jps... xD
Lets see... Main server: GTM2 4 mil cash 54 katanas: 2.7 mil 30 JP's: 3 mil Yeah... about 10 mil ish I have more stuff but im not home RN and...
Mojangs eula is an agreement between server owners and mojang, it allows server owners to use the game under the condition that there server does...