Thats a joke. As for blaming the devs... the admins, managers, and pres are responsable for deciding on nerfs and buffs. Devs just work out how...
Im not a staff member and even if i was i couldn't help you but if i were the person who banned you i would probably give you another chance, dont...
Then y not test yhem on 2b2t? Hacking is actually alowed there, its an anarchy server with no rules!!! Almost any server you go onto has a basic...
Why would you think its ever a good idea to "test" hacks?
I dont really care as long as gtm is still relatively well balanced and still online.
Thank the lord somebody has some sense.
They were op but they only needed a small damage nerf, none of this accuracy shit. As far as being good, they have gotten better over the past 2...
I dearly miss minigun pvp for what it was before the nerf, i would love to see a new gtm where miniguns' stats are actually good. It would...
But with this, players can stay in the warzone for as long as they want without having to worry about dying. Tell me thats not OP Another thing...
If i see one more broken suggestion im going go throw my phone!!!!!
I think being able to buy riot sheilds would be OP. Selling them would be nice though.
Finally, somebody that understands how NOT to break the server. I hate it and heres why: There are people out there that dont have lives and...
I hate it and heres why: This would be broken, there would be no risk in staying in the warzone so there would no longer be a point in people...
Just added to trashcans.
Cant wait for the lag to be fixed.
Well its ded RN, i think its bc of exams coming up in a few weeks as well as some other issues.
Damn son, this sounds familiar. Oh yeah just learned about this last week xD. The same thing happened in the western usa, remember that time...
To easy to get godfather, money, jp's, wings, katanas...
There are many reasons but the easiest to explain is that it just doesent seem right. To me it doesent feel like an ah is very gtm themed and i...
Makes sense now