Was there another?
Party time
The devs can do anything ( google exists for a reason) My question is when will the server be fixed?? Heres whats wrong. -Hits take a full...
OMG, cord just bought MostlyOP sponsor for nothing...
Unfortunately i cant do donor deals, i said that because it was a really good offer.
GL, might be worth mentioning if your giving all of that stuff or just some depending on the players preferance.
Thats a lot of crowbars, i like how it was recorded during the easter event xD.
Happy birthday tim
It looks great however i dont think im going to get it. If somebody does get it could you pls tell us if your phone gets a virus or is hacked...
This might have been better under the thread about "50 cal's"
I was going to say this but i didn't want to, so thank you for saying it.
3 months is a while but compared to some people thats nothing.
I dont like giving dislikes unless there is a good reason so here i go: I could see this getting very complex very quickly, the reason i like gtm...
Tell FCD it looks great!!!!!
U want a decade old macbook air?
Cord when you get your new PC send me the old one. xD
GG... only about 9 mil until godfather.
Happy Birthday