There are 3 types of people in this world that really piss me off. -Scammers -Liars -People who are just plain disrespectfull The GTM community...
Looks great anyways!
Nice job, any way you could fix the background? Is was kind of hard to see.
I think they leave those for builders, if you want to build an apartment building appky for builder.
After you pay permits is is yours, unless your inactive for 2 months or you sell it.
Should i stay up another hour to register a vote, doesn't matter cus im doing it!
910-920 or somethink like that for me :)
I will buy you 50 crowbars ($5.00) So you will pay me 1.5 mil This is a joke to show how broken this could get.
Y are you so rich?
Builders will build a house for you if it looks good, you will then be able to purchase that house with permits, because it is custom it will cost...
BC a large portion of gtm's community is German.
There was a gang glitch a few months ago, this could be a part of that. Make a bug report.
Thx jani!
I really wish there was something we could do but dieheldernaar is right, from what i know gtm4 is about 50/50 german and english.
Damn, that sucks so much. He is right tho, gtm4 switched to german with no warning and no way to get onto an english server. Theres nothing at...
If your trying to sell cash for in game items it's bannable.
Both are beautiful, im sure if we ever ad en egyptian part of the map michel2 will be allowed to make the pyramids.