Upgrade to sponsor is roughly 12.5 mil, i would 100% do this deal if i could. :( Those katanas look sexy though...
If optifine doesent work ill try that xD
You actually did research?!?!?!?!??
Dont think there is, however i was able to use an app that allowed me to chat in the lobby, i used it to register votes from my phone.
I dont have optifine, im going to get it im just to lazy. Ill check it out.
I need a texturpack with clear water... it needs to be 32x32 or less and needs to work on 1.12+ If you have one please link it, and if you can...
Finally i dont have to see 20 people asking how to get the resource pack to work.
I think he means permits, if so you can buy them or win them from crowbars.
Well they still carry a meaning, some servers have tags priced at 15-20 dollars USD. Thats as much as a rank.