indeed this one is good How about this one? THINGY @_Hashtec_
Searching for the perfect one
Do you live in america??? I hate it!!!
2 is close enough to 3, sry it took me so long to answer, "this is america" came on :(
as i said... it feels like 3 years
Thanos is balanced and his lazer is underrated!!!!!
About 3... Either way it feels like it's been 3 years
This "party" has been going on for like 3 months!!! And he's right, it's total shit!!!
The DED section
you guys are both spamming my updates
Cool... then i'll report you for abuse with an 80 year mute as evidence
NNNOOO We love skylix
Then u can die with it... JKJK dont ban me... oh wait... u can only mute xD
Lel, i found a better one bcus that one was to simple. Im going to change mine again right after this for just a minute, i did this one with a...
^ I cant spell