Anything that happens on other servers should not carry over to gtm or any server other than the one on whitch it occurred. I play on other...
I believe you however i want to know one thing... why would you purposely try to get banned??? You know that IRL scamming is a very serious...
Hope you get it back, GL!!!!!
Lol, that must mean that you dont know how to left click. Are we allowed to say names of servers that are about to shut down to focus on there...
3 more weeks :)
I have also heard stranger things is good.
Nope, never watched a netflix series. Greys anatomy is pretty good tho.
I like how i leave 1 pvp server where im in the top 10% of pvp'ers... and i join another where im in the bottom 5%
Oh, lol.
I bet that 5% of new players use modded clients, i also bet that only 16.5% of those hackers get banned withen the first 2 minutes.
Your bak!
This is a very normal bug, im pretty sure Tylerdawgs got banned for it. He's unbanned now.
In my experience on gtm i hace noticed that range doesn't really matter... so this leaves us with accuracy and damage to change. Minigun damage =...
If you trying to say that the only reason my name was ever known on gtm is because of minigun pvp your wrong, i was total shit at minigun pvp......
Did he give ANY signifigant proof of an increase in new players since the nerf. And how about players overall?
Thank you for input but i can adress some of these issues. I also think the gun balancing made gtm lose players. A whole new map should be...
One 40 year old man living in his parents basement playing with action figures 12 hours a day???
Thank you!