Lol, we are on topic.
I think your viewing vice wrongly, you view vice as a new type of factions while i see it as a new gamemode alltogether. Vice does need some...
Massive oof!
Where is this 2bill?
Never even heard of dupers on gtm2.
Pretty sure any kind of script is bannable, but GL on your appeal.
This is the most idiotic thing i have read this week, for that i am proud of you.
Yes, by orbiting around the earth really fast you can experience time "slower" however it just means that you age a bit slower, not that you have...
By economy reset do you mean delete all posessions, money...
Nade launchers might finally get fixed...
Idk if this is a noob or pro move... but nohax got banned for being to good.
Hitboxes also always have the same orientation meaning that you can hit people from farther away if you come from the corner of the block. Be...
So me and my friend used to be able to connect to a lan world, but for some reason we cant anymore, this has been happening for like a year+....
Depends on your definition of nooby. I logged onto my friends account who had quit and stole everything he had, including houses, kits, e/chest...
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You litterally just do /vote in the hub, if that doesn't work i use an app to help me be online whenever i want. I think i use "Pickaxe Chat"...
You theory about the banana pie is wrong, for 1 big reason. We already agree that you cannot travel back in time meaning that it's not possible...
Still thinking hard, how long did you spend on this?
Im on a mac as well, nowhere near as powerful as that one tho.