Damn... 3 JETPACKS!!!!!!! He must be SOOOO rich rn because of thos 3 JETPACKS
Yea, The 2 katanas and 2 flames lel Then you became good at the game and did a fuck ton of irl deals for ranks.
@HunterAura312 I just wanted to say that GG on sirmod ( and i think i made you with the few things i gave you when you were a hobo lel)
bad job wiki team smh (Just a prank bro)
Scammer get scammed
Im pertty sure i quit idk might come back :P
Wait nvm thos im just retarded but i misread it but i was not logged in when i made the appeal and i waiting for it to send the password to my...
I have the email for the first unban appeal but when i try to go to the appeal it will say error i would also want to make sure that the appeal...
i got a unban pls Admin+ unban me
me? LMAOOO @DaddyBright
Kid don’t dislike my post u fat nigger 1v1. Me jp Kat I willl beat u with my fucking left toes
Thanks Cool Idc
@TacoTheBell idk can I?
Can I have it <3
I don’t agree
@Kqxorr is hiding a small peen
Weird flex but Ok
@DeletusThouFetus yo