lmao L poor hobo ez
@UnbeatableHanzo because ez lol
eh i would say drug first then sneaky then never buy dildo lol
F looking fresh in your pfp
looks like a W in my book dwags #ToxicStaff
dude tf is wrong with gtm, who tf wants dildo CC (cheat code)
2mill for vip nibba tf thats like 1=200k or sum shit
@Jab50 ill take a croissant too <3 thanks
i dont know about that one cheif lol kittens is ez <o/
lmao brother you got scamed hate to see it dwag
lmao you got scammed
Retarded ok buddy your toxic wing 1v1 me ezz
i thought you were the dumb german xd so i tryed to troll so ez ez super dubs your mum gay suck my peen dwag ezzzzzzz
Ok @Bilbo is getting banned 4 irl deal scamming im telling skylix
oh lol i hope jj and kqxorr dont care and first post can we get a eZ in the chat ez
Hello people, This is elite gang aka rn know as Banned gang (cos we were all perm ip banned at a point) Founders: @Kqxorr @kittens4050...
dude kqxorr always has thos 1000IQ responds gg ez dubs
im sorry jk ez
./ban @iTraitor dont dislike my things L ez pz